About Me

My name is Aimee J. Young (I'll leave you to guess what the J stands for!), I'm 21 years old and from Gourock - a little town 50 minutes outside of Glasgow. I have a degree in Marketing that I worked so hard for whilst being diagnosed and in a continuous flare of my IBD - woohoo!! In my spare time I enjoy swimming, reading, yoga, singing, drawing, designing, colouring in and binge watching American tv shows - you name it, I’ve probably watched it. I also have a passion for beauty, fashion (although I somehow end up wearing the same kind of outfit 9/10 times), food and travel.

Most importantly, I am on Ostomate – and proud! I suffer from Ulcerative Colitis, a form of Inflammatory Bowl Disease which led to major surgery and the formation of an Ileostomy (potentially permanently) in September 2016. I’m still adjusting to life with an ostomy. I’m also currently a member of Slimming World and on a journey to get healthier, and to lose some weight due to the weight-gain side effects of the medication used to try and control my illness.

Many people have suggested that I create a blog to give myself a creative outlet to share my thoughts and feeling instead of keeping everything locked away in my brain and I’ve finally taken the plunge and created one! This blog will give me a way of sharing things that I love, my journey with UC and how I cope with various aspects of the disease, how I am adjusting to life with an ostomy as well as my journey in Slimming World and recipes I enjoy making.

I look forward to sharing things with you and don’t forget to follow me on all my social media platforms to keep up to date.


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