Friday 14 April 2017

Fifth Week Back At Slimming World

This week was a bit of a nonstarter as far as sticking to the Slimming World plan was concerned. I had family come to visit and although the meal was completely Slimming World friendly, the prosecco, gin, cocktails and chocolate cake definitely weren’t!

 As I mentioned at the end of my last Slimming World post I had 3 tests this week. The eye test was fine – I still have 20/20 vision so it’s not my eyes that are causing the headaches and I’m still waiting to hear back from my Consultant as to what we’re going to do next. The abdominal ultrasound and scope were a bit different. I had to fast for 6 hours before my ultrasound so I hadn’t eaten much up until 4pm so when I could finally eat again I grabbed for the sugary junk food instead of healthier, speed-filled food. I’m still waiting to hear from my IBD nurse specialist about the results. As for the scope, although it wasn’t as bad as the previous scopes I’ve had the sedation I got definitely knocked me sideways. I’d forgotten how sluggish and blah it makes you feel so that night we ended up ordering Chinese for dinner because it was all that I felt like eating. The scope and sedation took place on Tuesday 4th April so we decided to take a holiday from Slimming World this week.

I plan on getting back on track next week to try and rectify any damage I may have done to my weight loss this week so fingers crossed!

Until Next Time,


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