Thursday 25 February 2016

Joining Slimming World

After gaining over 3 stone from the steroids in hospital, and getting more and more down about my weight and appearance I decided to join Slimming World.

Stepping on those scales for the first time was absolutely terrifying! I already felt so ashamed of my size and being told my weight made me so much more determined to start losing it.

What I looked like when I joined Slimming World

I found the plan relatively easy to follow once I'd got my head around the concept of speed foods, free foods, healthy extras and syns and how the combination of all 4 things helps you to achieve maximum results. To help me stick to the plan I make up a weekly menu and from that, I make my shopping list of everything I will need for the week ahead – I say myself but my mum is also doing it with me & all the shopping!

The first few weeks were slow, the weight wasn't coming off as quickly as I would have liked it to but I knew this was because of my medication which has side effects of weight gain, so really being able to lose any weight at all was an achievement! But by week 7 I’d achieved my ½ stone award and was feeling so motivated to get to that 1 stone award and by the time week 12 had come around I’d got it!

1 stone lost

The next half a stone also came off in a matter of weeks but from 1½ stone – 2 stone I’ve been really struggling: putting on a pound, losing 2, putting ½ a pound, losing 1 etc.

Current weight - 1 stone 12lbs lost

I’ve decided that in order to help re-motivate me and want to start losing weight and achieve my goals again, I’m going to start sharing my progress online, whether it be through what I eat in a day/week posts to try and motivate me to eat better, or the different forms of exercise I’m doing. People in my group have been encouraging me to share my favourite recipes on a blog because they love hearing about them in group and seeing the pictures of them I regularly post on our group Facebook page so here I am!

Until next time,

AJ x

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