Wednesday 29 March 2017

Slimming World, One Month In

Four weeks in and I've lost 11lbs - only 3 more to go and that'll be 1 stone lighter! This week was, well, awful. I said at the end of last week’s Slimming World post that my goal was to not go over my syn allowance each day this week; in a way, I succeeded as some days I didn’t have the minimum syn allowance. My Colitis and stoma were still playing up this week and I’ve had a tight chest and sore throat and all of these things combined made me not want to eat, so I didn’t. I knew there would be weeks like this when I joined. It was such a shock when I stepped on the scales and had actually lost weight! I couldn't believe it, I definitely didn't deserve to lose anything. 

2 lbs lost 🎉

Wednesday 22 March:

  • Breakfast - lean bacon medallions, free range scrambled egg x 2, spaghetti hoops with tomato sauce, melon and, blackberries
  • Lunch - homemade tomato soup (chopped tomatoes, carrot, onion & celery)
  • Dinner - cajun chicken pasta with carrots, lettuce and, cucumber
  • Snacks - Douwe Egberts Smooth Caramel coffee, Kit Kat
  • Healthy Extra A - 350ml skimmed milk
  • Healthy Extra B - 3 slices Kingsmill Wholemeal No Crusts bread
  • Total Syns 6.5 = balsamic vinaigrette 1tbsp 0.5 syns, ALdi chip seasoning 1tsp 0.5 syns, Kit Kat 5.5 syns

Thursday 23 March:

  • Breakfast - n/a
  • Lunch - homemade tomato soup (chopped tomatoes, carrot, onion & celery)
  • Dinner - skinni sweet chilli burger with homemade chips, carrots, lettuce and cucumber 
  • Snacks - strawberries with Sweet Freedom choc shot
  • Healthy Extra A - 350ml skimmed milk
  • Healthy Extra B - 3 slices Kingsmill Wholemeal No Crusts bread
  • Total Syns 2.5 - 1tsp choc shot 0.5 syns, aldi tomato ketchup 2tbsp 1 syn, aldi chip seasoning 1tsp 1 syn

Friday 24 March:

  • Breakfast - 3 slices wholemeal toast with marmite
  • Lunch - 2 free range scrambled eggs & lean bacon medallions
  • Dinner - macaroni cheese
  • Snacks - hot water, honey & lemon
  • Healthy Extra A - 1/2 tub Kerry Low Low mature cheddar cheese spread
  • Healthy Extra B - 3 slices Kingsmill Wholemeal No Crusts bread
  • Total Syns 2 = honey 2 syns

Saturday 25 March:

  • Breakfast - n/a
  • Lunch - homemade tomato soup (chopped tomatoes, carrot, onion & celery
  • Dinner - Iceland Slimming World Paella with peas and mushrooms removed
  • Snacks - Burton's Pickled Onion Fish n Chips, melon, hot water, honey & lemon
  • Healthy Extra A - 350ml skimmed milk
  • Healthy Extra B - 3 slices Kingsmill Wholemeal No Crusts bread
  • Total Syns 8 = Burton's Pickled Onion Fish n Chips 6 syns, honey 2 syns

Sunday 26 March:

  • Breakfast - n/a
  • Lunch - homemade tomato soup (chopped tomatoes, carrot, onion & celery)
  • Dinner - chicken korma with rice
  • Snacks - blackberries, hot water, honey & lemon, orange & lotus flower green tea
  • Healthy Extra A - 350ml skimmed milk
  • Healthy Extra B - 3 slices Kingsmill Wholemeal No Crusts bread
  • Total Syns 2 = honey 2 syns

Monday 27 March:

  • Breakfast - n/a
  • Lunch - homemade tomato soup (chopped tomatoes, carrot, onion & celery)
  • Dinner - scampi, homemade chips and carrots
  • Snacks - blackberries, melon
  • Healthy Extra A - 350ml skimmed milk
  • Healthy Extra B - 3 slices Kingsmill Wholemeal No Crusts bread
  • Total Syns 9 = chip seasoning 2tsp 1 syn, Aldi ketchup 2tbsp 1 syn, scampi 1/2 bag 7 syns

Tuesday 28 March:

  • Breakfast - n/a
  • Lunch - homemade tomato soup (chopped tomatoes, carrot, onion & celery)
  • Dinner - beef ragu with rigatoni
  • Snacks - Burton's Pickled Onion Fish n Chips
  • Healthy Extra A - 350ml skimmed milk
  • Healthy Extra B - 3 slices Kingsmill Wholemeal No Crusts bread
  • Total Syns 14 = Malteser bunny 8 syns, Oreo thins x 4 6 syns

I'm hoping that this week my chest and throat will sort themselves out but I'm not overly hopeful because my dose of Azathioprine has been upped and I've found that I pretty much have some kind of throat/chest problem when on it but I'm hoping that the increase in my dosage will start to get my Colitis back under control - fingers crossed! I'm not setting myself any targets this week, I knew that going back to Slimming World wasn't going to be as easy as last time now that I've got a stoma. I think that the increase in the amount of fruit & veg that I'm eating is what has caused it to play up but hopefully it'll start to get used to the change in my diet over time. Until then, I just have to persevere and try to deal with the increase in output and frequent changes in consistency. 

I've got a rather busy week this week. I've got an eye test on Saturday (I've got continuous headaches and we need to rule out possible eye problems before we resort to brain scans), an abdominal ultrasound on Monday afternoon to have a look at my liver because my Gamma GT levels have been raised for quite a few months now and I've got a Sigmoidoscopy on Tuesday afternoon to have a look at my remaining rectal stump to see how bad the inflammation is and take some biopsies to find whether it is indeed the Ulcerative Colitis back again or if it's diversion proctitis. 

Until next time,


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    Monday 27 March 2017

    What's It Like To Not Poo Out Your Bum Anymore?

    Recently I was asked a rather personal question: “What is it like to not poo out of your bum anymore?”.

    Although I was taken aback at first, as I thought about how to answer I realised that it’s probably a question that must be something that people without a stoma wonder about. After all, that's where part of the stigma over having a stoma comes from: your body no longer functions the same way everyone else's does. Their inability to understand is why questions like this should be asked and answered. I’d never really thought about it until then so I thought I’d post my answer for anyone else wondering about it.

    Straight after my operation, it was extremely weird to try and wrap my head around. So much so, that at first I just used to sit on the toilet and do nothing. It was weird because for 2 years I’d spent the majority of my day on the toilet and now I had all these extra hours in the day that I didn’t know what to do with. It took me a good few weeks, I’d say probably about 6, to get over this. Now it's just second nature to go to the toilet and empty my bag in a couple of minutes then get on with my day. 

    It’s nice to not be tied to the toilet nearly as much as I used to be, figuratively speaking that is. It’s nice to not have to worry about where the nearest toilet is every time that I step outside of my front door. To not have to plan my days around whether or not the place I’m going has ample facilities or how much I’m going to have to apologise and worry about what I’m going to have to say to whoever I’m with for fear that they might not fully understand what I’m telling them. 

    This was the case for about 3 months at least. It’s slightly different now because my Colitis has flared back up again in the remaining rectal stump which has brought back the blood and pain I'd hoped to be free of for longer than those 3 months between September and December. However, this post isn't about my colitis flaring back up, it's about providing an answer to a question I was asked and honestly, it's not weird at all. I no longer give it a second thought because I know that if I hadn't had the surgery, my colon would have perforated and I may not be here today. 

    I hope this has helped anyone wondering what it's like to no longer use your bum for its intended purpose. If there are any questions feel free to leave them in the comments section below or send me a message.

    Until next time,


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    Thursday 23 March 2017

    My Third Week At Slimming World

    This week definitely wasn’t as good as the last 2 weeks. I haven’t been feeling too good this last week, both mentally and physically, so I didn’t eat as well as I probably could have but I’m not going to beat myself up over it. I’m just going to leave it the past and focus on doing much better next week. Despite all of this I still managed to lose weight – I cannot believe it!

    1 lb lost 🎉

    Wednesday 15 March:

    • Breakfast - n/a
    • Lunch - homemade tomato soup (chopped tomatoes, carrot, onion & celery) and blackberries
    • Dinner - heck sausages, homemade chips, spaghetti hoops with tomato sauce, lettuce, cucumber and carrot
    • Snacks - pink lady apple x 2, melon, Oreo thin, hot chocolate
    • Healthy Extra A - 350ml skimmed milk
    • Healthy Extra B - 2 slices Hovis Wholemeal bread
    • Total Syns 6 = balsamic vinaigrette 1tbsp 0.5 syns, Oreo thin 1.5 syns, hot chocolate 2 syns, heck chicken italia sausages x 4 2 syns

    Thursday 16 March:

    • Breakfast - n/a 
    • Lunch - homemade tomato soup (chopped tomatoes, carrot, onion & celery)
    • Dinner - steak au poivre with boiled new potatoes, carrots and green beans
    • Snacks - pink lady apple x 2, hot chocolate, beef hula hoops pufts, 
    • Healthy Extra A - 350ml skimmed milk
    • Healthy Extra B - 3 slices Kingsmill Wholemeal No Crusts bread
    • Total Syns 5.5 = hot chocolate 2 syns, beef hula hoops pufts 3.5 syns

    Friday 17 March:

    • Breakfast – n/a
    • Lunch – homemade tomato soup (chopped tomatoes, carrot, onion & celery)
    • Dinner – n/a
    • Snacks – beef hula hoops pufts, Malteser bunny, Starbucks iced hibiscus teavana tea, hot chocolate
    • Healthy Extra A - 350ml skimmed milk
    • Healthy Extra B - 3 slices Kingsmill Wholeeall No Crusts bread
    • Total Syns 15+ = beef hula hoops pufts 3.5 syns, Malteser bunny 8 syns, toasted pancake with butter ? syns, hot chocolate 2 syns
    Friday wasn’t such a good day. I didn’t feel well when I got home from seeing Beauty & the Beast at the cinema so went straight to bed and slept for over 12 hours hence having no dinner.

    Saturday 18 March:

    • Breakfast – n/a
    • Lunch – tandoori chicken toastie
    • Dinner – sticky chicken with lettuce and cucumber
    • Snacks – pink lady apple, Kit Kat x 2
    • Healthy Extra A – 50g mozzarella
    • Healthy Extra B – 3 slices Kingsmill Wholemeal No Crusts bread
    • Total Syns 14.5 = Kit Kat x 2 11 syns, beef hula hoops pufts 3.5 syns
    I still wasn’t feeling too good on Saturday so once again I didn’t have much to eat.

    Sunday 19 March:

    • Breakfast – n/a
    • Lunch – homemade tomato soup (chopped tomatoes, carrot, onion & celery)
    • Dinner – roast chicken, roasted rosemary potatoes, carrots, green beans, Yorkshire puddings x 2, gravy
    • Snacks – hot chocolate, melon, Kit Kat, pom bears, toast with marmite and blackberries
    • Healthy Extra A – 350ml skimmed milk
    • Healthy Extra B – 3 slices Kingsmill Wholemeal No Crusts bread
    • Total Syns 17.5 = hot chocolate 2 syns, Yorkshire pudding x 2 4 syns, bisto gravy 2 syns, Kit Kat 5.5 syns, pom bears 4 syns

    My stoma wasn’t very happy on Sunday so I found myself eating ready salted crisps at 11 0’clock at night as they seem to be the only quick fix in making my output thicker which allowed me to get to sleep easier without panicking that my bag was going to burst in the middle of the night – it seemed to work.

    Monday 20 March:

    • Breakfast - n/a
    • Lunch – homemade tomato soup (chopped tomatoes, carrot, onion & celery)
    • Dinner – prawn bites with homemade chips, carrot, lettuce and cucumber
    • Snacks – blackberries, orange & lotus flower green tea, 3 mint tea
    • Healthy Extra A – 350ml skimmed milk
    • Healthy Extra B – 3 slices Kingsmill Wholemeal No Crusts bread
    • Total Syns 7 = prawn bites 4 syns, sweet chilli dipping sauce 3 syns

    Tuesday 21 March:

    • Breakfast – n/a
    • Lunch – homemade tomato soup (chopped tomatoes, carrot, onion & celery)
    • Dinner – Cottage pie
    • Snacks – beef hula hoops pufts, Malteser bunny, blackberries, melon, orange & lotus flower green tea
    • Healthy Extra A – 350ml skimmed milk
    • Healthy Extra B – 3 slices Kingsmill Wholemeal No Crusts bread
    • Total Syns 11.5 = beef hula hoops pufts 3.5 syns, Malteser bunny 8 syns

    I do hope that I have a better week this week. I don’t have as much planned apart from hopefully getting my hair chopped and my roots sorted out on Friday – I am SO excited! Hopefully my stoma behaves more this week and I don’t feel as awful as I did last week. My one and only aim for the week ahead is to not go over my syn allowance so wish me luck!

    Until next time,


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